General Discussion

Hey guys,

great stuff on getting concise here. I don't know if I am the only one getting this drift but maybe this idea of what makes one more sustainable has prompted a reverse theory or sorts. I'm not sure if this works, but we could, instead of saying that something prompts sustainable choices say that ones desire to be sustainable does not equate to sustainable choices. Theory: The desire to be sustainable does not equate to sustainable choices. (I don't know if this works or not at all but its an option)

And then look at factors regarding questions:

In your opinion how important is sustainabilty in your daily decision making (recycling, grocery shopping, travelling) - can be asked first or last

Very important, Important etc

How often do you recycle?

Very much, often, little, not often, not at all etc.

If presented with the option of a imported non organic product (considered unsustainble) and a locally grown organic product do you purchase the sustainable option regardless of substantial price differences?

Yes, or No.

Do you have the option to buy sustainable produce (is it located close to you).

these are just some ideas. great work so far :)

Aarondeep Bains06:16, 2 February 2011