Merged Q2 (from Q2 & Q3): individuals' impacts on environmental issues

Merged Q2 (from Q2 & Q3): individuals' impacts on environmental issues

Okay, so it's been mentioned that questions 2 and 3 are very similar, both attempt to measure how individuals feel their own efforts have an impact on the environment (or climate change). These are some of the ideas that were tossed around:

A. Individual efforts (eg. recycling, composting, biking, using public transit etc.) make substantial differences in environmental issues such as climate change? (1)strongly agree (2)somewhat agree (3)neutral (4)somewhat disagree (5)strongly disagree

B. News reports on increased climate change issues or oil deficiencies etc, make me consider altering my lifestyle in order to make it more environmentally friendly and sustainable. (1)strongly agree (2)somewhat agree (3)neutral (4)somewhat disagree (5)strongly disagree

C. Do you think that your individual behavior has an impact on the climate change? (or the environment)?

D. IPCC Reports indicate that both individuals and governments are making unsustainable choices with regards to energy consumption methods, food purchasing and even production strategies. How important do you think it is for individuals to make sustainable choices regardless of government policies? 1)Very Important 2)Important 3)Neutral 4)Not Important 5)Not [At All] Important

'A' doesn't define what a 'substantial difference' may be and leaves it to the participant to decide. 'B' tries to measure how the media coverage of an environmental issue affects participants' actions/choices. 'C' doesn't define what kind of an 'impact' it would be (a good impact, bad impact?) 'D' has the inclusion of "regardless of government policies", which affects the question. I think the question could work just as well without it.

Comparing all of them, I like what Option A is asking, even if changes need to be made on all of them. :)

NielChah05:36, 6 February 2011

Thanks for the comparison Niel. I also prefer Option A. I think it's simple, concise, not too overbearing, and not too confusing. I would also like to work on Option B though and maybe re-phrase it a little.

JesSimkin06:52, 6 February 2011

I agree with A as well. I don't think it is necessary to include "substantial" or even something along those lines. What we want to know is if the individual believes their actions have any impact on the environment so whether or not they believe it has a large impact is irrelevant for this question. If we were to have another questions asking the extent to which they feel they have an impact then it would be different.

To make it more formal though I would not use brackets. Instead use commas.

Individual efforts, including recycling, composting, biking, and using public transit, make substantial differences in environmental issues such as climate change?

(1)strongly agree (2)somewhat agree (3)neutral (4)somewhat disagree (5)strongly disagree

ChristinaDumont21:25, 6 February 2011

I think A would be the best option as well since it provides the necessary information without being too confusing!

NaomiShin02:20, 7 February 2011