Final Questions (draft 1) & Final Draft

Is there anyway we could do a follow up question for question three? So if we ask the first question that Michael wrote in terms of how informed each individual feels they are, we could do a follow up question for those who answered that they are well or somewhat informed. This way we could try to find a correlation between how informed they actually are and how much they are actively pursuing to keep themselves informed. This would be another for us to measure to what degree they care about staying actively involved, which should dictate their likeliness of making more or less sustainable choices.

ArielWeber00:20, 8 February 2011

I think Shannon asked the TA last week, and he said that follow-up questions count as 2 questions. Can anyone else verify this? Otherwise, the follow-up question strategy would be great and would work really well with a research question on education/awareness and sustainability choices.

JesSimkin03:01, 8 February 2011

My TA definitely said that follow-up questions count as 2 questions, not 1 2-part question. Sorry.

VeronicaReiss03:28, 8 February 2011

@ Michael, yes I agree that the second question gives a more objective analysis of the individual's awareness since everyone has different standards of how informed is "well-informed"! @ Ariel, I think Q5 asks how much the individual contributes to making sustainability choices so we could connect Q3 and Q5 :)

NaomiShin22:30, 8 February 2011