3. Government vs Individuals?

3. Government vs Individuals?


3. Many provinces are opting for carbon taxes to curb the use of fossil fuels such as petroleum because these sources of energy are unsustainable. Do you believe such taxing policies are effective to make the population make sustainable choices?I think a question like this is important to see the individuals perspective on the governments role. the question could be generalised to How important do you think the governments role is in making sustainable choices for the nation/individuals?We can use a yes or no for the first and or a 1-5 scale for both.

Aarondeep Bains05:35, 4 February 2011

I like the first question very much, and I think that a scale of 1-5 should be used rather than a simple 'yes/no' because it allows for the public perception of taxation as a restraining measure against environmental derogation, to be gauged more accurately. The second question, I feel to be too general, given that some people consider recycling to be the height of sustainability and those more informed will be aware that this is not the case. Again we are faced with the problem of defining sustainability in order to gain accurate information.

AnnaDougan07:26, 4 February 2011

I agree with the point above. Maybe we should opt for a question like this: How important do you believe governmental policies, such as carbon taxes, are for encouraging greater sustainability within Canada going forward? I think the scale of 1-5 method would be the best way to measure a question like this. Also should we also ask if it is appropriate for the government to even engage in policies like carbon taxes in the first place? I think we would benefit from also asking a question like that.

BenjaminBlack00:47, 5 February 2011

I also agree with Anna's opinion. I like how the first question gives some background info to people before they answer the question, so they have general idea behind the question. But a simple Yes/No answer wouldn't be appropriate to provide much insight into the issue. I also think 1-5 scale would be much better.

JuhyeonSeong03:00, 5 February 2011

If we use this one - How important do you believe governmental policies, such as carbon taxes, are for encouraging greater sustainability within Canada going forward?, could we include another example other than carbon taxes? maybe energy efficient education e.g.BC Hydro's PowerSmart or other government rebates/subsidies... I feel that carbon taxes carry a negative connotation - nobody like taxes, and carbon taxes at least in BC (i tihnk) are associated with Gordon Campbell and he's not to popular either.

JesSimkin20:29, 5 February 2011

Asking someone if taxes are good is a biased question. Thats why I decided to phrase it in a manner that some information is given without adding the tax bias. Say the tax, and say what it does. This explanation can act to neutralise the bias and then pose the question after.

Aarondeep Bains20:33, 5 February 2011

I think this would be a great question in regard to questioning if people believe green/sustainability education should be made part of the public school system. Eg.

How important do you believe governmental policies, such as making green education part of school curriculum, are for encouraging greater sustainability within Canada going forward.

or simply,

Should green education be integrated into the public school system's curriculum?

ShannonLee00:22, 6 February 2011