I also agree with Bala, we need to make sure we don't make anyone uncomfortable, and in any case these people are doing us a favour by answering questions so it's only right to respect them and not try to upset/annoy them in any way, even if that means being extra cautious.

Also, should we be considering what we're trying to answer? I mean of course we're talking about defense, and if we focus on Afghanistan and the Arctic, is our goal to see what people support most? I don't know if I'm getting ahead of myself, I like these 3 questions, but I guess I'm just thinking in my head what our aim is now, what exactly we want to compare and what kind of questions we want people to answer that will allow us to gauge public opinion about a particular question.

Loll or maybe you've all done that and I'm lost in these threads, in that case I apologize!

RichaSharma22:05, 7 February 2011