Does it matter which order we post the questions on the main page? If it does, we should probably also consider the fact that answers to our questions will also be influenced by the order in which they are posed. For example, a question inquiring about the survey taker's knowledge of Afghanistan might make him/her hesitant to answer other questions if it is posed at the beginning of the survey and conversely, if it is posed at the end of the survey it might make the survey taker seem overconfident of their knowledge pertaining to Afghanistan and cause more participants to rate themselves as highly knowledgeable.

Also, I think the first question might need to be rephrased in a way to make it seem more neutral; it might put pressure on answerers because it implies an answer (that increasing Canada's participation in the international community is a good thing and therefore funding should be increased). Maybe we could isolate the two concepts of "increasing funding to national defense and peacekeeping programs" and "increase Canada's role in the international community" into two different questions?. Or perhaps even remove "increasing Canada's role in the international community" altogether.

ChristopherLouis06:22, 4 February 2011