Other Survey Topics which do not involve Afghanistan...?

Other Survey Topics which do not involve Afghanistan...?

I see Gordon has started a specific thread with regards to Afghanistan.

What other topics would you guys like to see in the survey. While I understand Afghanistan is a major issue in regards to Defense Policy, I personally think there's more to touch upon than just Afghanistan (perhaps 10 questions can be allocated to the Afghanistan issue).

Other topics I've noticed discused:

- Arctic Soverienty

- Spending as a whole with respect to international reputation

- Canada/US Relations.

- National Security - Terrorism.

Some topics I'd be interested in talking about further might be:

- Canada's contributions to the UN and Nato as peacekeeping units

- Other peacekeeping campaigns such as Darfur and Sudan

Let's keep these short and in point form, then create questions out of the Brainstorming!

Ben Rust01:00, 8 February 2011

Ben, we are only allowed 5 questions for the entire survey and I have come up with a list of 13 questions under the thread "Finalizing our 5 questions for the survey" - there are questions not related to Afghanistan as well, perhaps you could go there and vote which 5 you like and by tomorrow we will come to a consensus agreement or majoritarian agreement on which 5 questions we are going to choose for our survey.

BalamuruganMeyappan03:07, 8 February 2011

Oh. I wonder why I thought it was 20. Perhaps I assumed it was over 5, due to the front page and all the questions posted there. My appoligies.

BentleyRust03:35, 8 February 2011

Darfur and Sudan have negligible effects on Canada's security directly - whereas Canada is directly invested in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda has been operating overseas including most recently, allegedly, within the Toronto 18. Our National Defence issues are mainly concerned with Afghanistan/NATO and the Arctic.

An interesting out of subject question might be on National Defence vs. Personal Defence - i.e. seeing if the same people that believe that they have the right to bear arms in Canada support the war. Late addition? Please let me know if you guys consider this relevant.

Nadeem Hakemi23:02, 8 February 2011