Is Canada's Defence Policy over reliant on the United States in terms of funding initiaves and agreements for North American Defense?

Hey guys, sorry it took me a while to figure out how to reply to these posts...but i agree with both Jon- in his suggestion to keep the topic of defense more specific, and jacqueline in suggesting we refrain from fear mongering. Defense is SUCH a broad and varying topic, we need to decide if what we want is to stick to basic questions of domestic security, international issues, or "hot topics" such as the article and Afghanistan. It might also be interesting to explore the ambiguity of people's knowledge when it comes to Afghanistan and it's purpose, if we are a part of the war on terror, if it is a human right's fight...etc. I know this is a very broad topic with lots of different things to consider so I don't know if we want to go that route. Just a thought!

JuliaShepherd02:59, 1 February 2011