Focus our study

I feel like the question asked in both the way Jordan was thinking and the was Nadeem was thinking could both be effective they are just looking at different things and will give us different information so we should decide what kind of information we are looking to generate.

Another interesting thing, which may be better if we could have more questions, would be to ask both questions and then see what kind of contradictions arose from that data because I think there would be a lot. I think people might say more when they see other percentages and then when they think of it in terms of other expeditures they might think less and it would be interesting. But with only room for five questions I dont know if thats something we want to do.

I also agree that when showing the percents we should not worry about what non-empirical classification we can put Canada in, like "middle" or "super" or "great" power. Just show some facts about GDP percents, people have a rough idea of the physical size of countries and they can decide for themselves weather they feel Canada should spend more or less it doesn't really matter weather or not Canada is different then the countries mentioned.

Either way I think at least one of these questions should be one of the final 5 and I am leening towards percents because I feel the other question will say more about the other things people value and less about defense. But I could probably be persuaded either way.

JacquelineBriard07:54, 7 February 2011