Focus our study

Hey everyone.

Wow I had no idea that everyone had started on this already, I've been so swamped.

I was wondering, after reading the first two question (which I think are great), would it be useful to start it off with something that gages the change of opinion in allocating money/spending troops to Afghanistan? Maybe something like: "Did you initially agree with Harper to join the US in Afghanistan..." and have the 1) Strongly Disagree 2) Somewhat Disagree, etc.

I mean I know as of right now we're just focusing on Afghanistan, and asking people about the now/future. Do you think people would tell the truth/remember what they thought if we asked them the above question? And that way we get some general idea of what the opinions were of people in teh beginning, and how they changed.

I just thought this would be a general question to ask before the Harper extending the mission thing. Or may be ask something else in teh beginning that's even more general about Afghanistan and then go into the extending mission one.

I guess I just don't know if people will remember that far back, or if their opinions now will cloud what they previously thought about this and therefore render the question useless.

RichaSharma00:53, 2 February 2011