Focus our study

Bentley- your question is exactly what I was thinking with regards to a perhaps vague but good indicator of where canadians head's are at when it comes to defense policy...if they even know anything about it at all. I was thinking this question could be posed first just to get a sense of the data we would be receiving and correlations to other answers kind of set the stage. Thoughts???

I also agree with Jordan in that we dont want to seem condescending or arrogant while posing these questions. We dont want it to be "us" vs. "them"

JuliaShepherd06:06, 1 February 2011

"I also agree with Jordan in that we dont want to seem condescending or arrogant while posing these questions. We dont want it to be "us" vs. "them" "

That's a good point Julia, but at the same time are we surveying personal taste, knowledge, or general attitude?

BentleyRust18:21, 2 February 2011

Arguably a combination of all of those things. I don't think each of those (personal taste, knowledge, attitude) are independent of one another. At the end of the day I believe we are trying to see the general trends regarding voting Canadians on this issue. If Harper is acting on our wishes and our survey reflects a 'general' push to remain and fight in Afghanistan(to varying degrees) then we have a successful democracy. If not, we have a leader not acting in the interests of the majority - a clear problem.

Please refer to my question proposed as a reply to Julia's 'compartive' suggestion.

Nadeem Hakemi23:35, 3 February 2011

I like Bentley's question but also another route could be like a ranking question! like: Rank the following in terms of the priority they should take in the national budget: a. defence b. health care c. environmentaly friendly technologies d. something else e. somethign else

Then we could know how much they think defence is important compared to other things??

JacquelineBriard23:56, 3 February 2011