Focus our study

I like Bentley's question alot, as well as Julia's. I don't think Bentley's question is too vague at all if used towards the start of the survey....then we can move to more specific questions.

I think Julia's question could be asked as the starting question to just get a feel of how inclined Canadians are towards the topic, then we can move to move in depth question's, like Afghanistan and the F35s if you guys like.

Im feeling that Julia's question is good to start, then maybe we could ask something like this:

How strong would you say your knowledge is about the involvement of Canadians in Afghanistan

1. Very Strong 2. Strong 3. Neutral 4. Weak 5. Very Weak

(we may also choose to put a subheading to the question that says "Our objective is not to place harm or judge you on your knowledge base of the topic of Afghanistan, but rather just to get a general feel of how much Canadians are interested in the topic" ..... that way this question may not seem invasive or make the respondent feel as if he/she has a moral obligation to say that they know lots about Afghanistan, because it wouldn't really make a difference.

Then possibly we can move to Bentley's question that the other two questions above and Mike's question..

What do you guys think??

JordanFernandez05:32, 1 February 2011