Do you feel Afghanistan is a safer place today after the Canadian Mission?

Do you feel Afghanistan is a safer place today after the Canadian Mission?

(in order to differentiate from the Iraq mission i.e. many would argue U.S. made Iraq a less safe place)

1. Yes, it is much safer. 2. Yes, a little more safe. 3. The same as pre-2002 invasion 4. Slightly less safe than before 5. More Dangerous than before

Nadeem Hakemi23:34, 1 February 2011

I actually think this is a really good question and should be up on the board!

JacquelineBriard04:47, 4 February 2011

I agree. I know there's discussion about the Afghanistan topic already having such a negative view from the public/media/etc, which in turn could impact our survey results. But I think this question would help put it in perspective a bit.

RichaSharma06:20, 4 February 2011

Will others comment on this so we can decide weather we are gunna put it up cause I really like it and want to put it up.

JacquelineBriard08:14, 4 February 2011

This is an excellent question. A similar suggestion "Do you feel the invasion of Afghanistan has made the world safer?" 1. Yes, it is much safer. 2. Yes, a little safer. 3. The same. 4. No, slightly less safer than before. 5. No, significantly more dangerous.

GordonKatic10:24, 5 February 2011

I like that question Gordon. Lets get that up on the board - is Afghanistan safer, and has it created a safer world in general? One could argue Iraq is more dangerous today and has created a more dangerous world. It would be interesting to observe the trends with regards to world security as well as domestic security. We are fighting this battle with NATO, in the tradition of collective security. It's time to see how collective the results and benefits are perceived to be, if any.

Nadeem Hakemi21:57, 7 February 2011