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Karlson: You make a very valid point. Since Canada has since withdrawn from their military obligations in Afghanistan, we can now question the current public opinion of Canada's role in Afghanistan etc. Foreign policy may be too broad and there is unreliable evidence or fluctuation in public opinion about this particular issue. A more focus and refined way of gathering statistical evidence and public opinion could be elements of:

-How best can Canada continue to play a useful role in Afghanistan and the region?

-What are Canada's national interests in Afghanistan eight years after the 9/11 attacks? (This is broad but it also ignites where we can make statistical analysis)

-How can Canada improve the distribution and effectiveness of their military aid after their long-running presence in the Afghan war?

Finer tuning needs to result, however we can most likely make a more eloquent and narrowed approach as there has since been significant change of the war and Public Opinion/Canada's role

Kfahlman08:47, 14 February 2012