perception and evidence: forum for week of 10 Oct

I agree with Mo, because as soon as you perceive something, you apply your prejudices and prior knowledge and assign attributes to whatever it is that you're perceiving. Totally subconsciously or not, it happens, so there's no way that perception can be worshipped as evidence that settles all issues. Although, that is taking empiricism to the extreme, like Shmo says. However, I do not agree that the prejudices can be rooted out. Nature may give evidence, but our senses are flawed, so even if it seems as if said evidence cuts through the firmest of convictions, there are tons of situations where those senses could deceive and whatever evidence is rendered completely invalid, only half-verifiable, or slightly skewed. With either of those, the conclusion still wouldn't be accurate.

AntaresRichardson06:22, 17 October 2011