forum for week of 2 October

While reading about the Sense-Datum Theory, I found that the theory reminds of Compatibilism, a philosophical view on free will. I find them to be similar in certain ways. Sense-Datum Theory, especially the idealist stance, does seem to be compatible with other philosophical views on perception. It seems to be arguing for something other then a solution to the problem of perception. In a way, its not on the same page as everyone else. Based on the assigned readings, Sense-Datum Theory doesn't really provide an answer to the problem of perception. I feel as if it only introduces some new vocabulary and proposes a view that does try to not step on any other view's toes. Though Sense-Datum Theory provides an attractive and enticing argument, it feels incomplete and in a way irrelevant to providing an answer to the problem of perception.

KacperMotyka00:34, 4 October 2011