forum for week of 28 November: pragmatism

"All truths are merely convenient fictions" is a very interesting statement, and I tend to agree with it to an extent. As we have discussed in many lectures, while truths may indeed be in fact true, it is very difficult to sustain the idea that a truth can come with certainty (for many reasons). With that, the idea that a truth is a fiction may be incorrect, however, there is no sure-fire way of knowing, leading me to believe that, until we can prove with absolute certainty (which again, may not even be possible) that something is indeed true, then it can just as well be false. The problem I have with this sentence however is that the word truth is definitely a blanket term, as one "truth" cannot be categorized as the same type of truth as another (for example, absolute truths, moral truths, etc.).Adding to that, the second part of the sentence about how truths may indeed be convenient is problematic, where truths may be convenient for some while other statements may be in fact inconvenient for others.

Dwylde00:53, 30 November 2011