Reading material for K_1and topology

Reading material for K_1and topology

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 21:09, 5 October 2011

C.T.C. Wall: Finiteness conditions for CW complexes I, Annals of Mathematics 81 (1965), 56-59.

C.T.C.Wall: Finitness conditions for CW complexes II, Proc. Royal Soc. A 295 (1966), 129-139.

J. Milnor, Whitehead torsion, bull. AMS. 72 (1966), 358-426.

Sujatha22:56, 4 October 2011

You may find interesting things about surgery and L-theory on Andrew Ranicki’s webpage:

21:13, 5 October 2011