Random bits from Term 1

Random bits from Term 1

So, I haven't really been able to find any properties specifically governing non-parallel quadrilaterals with two equal sides. The best I've been able to find is Bretschneider's Formula for finding the area of any quadrilateral. [1]
Aside from that, there really don't seem to be any overarching properties. The problem seems to be that if we have no requirements aside from having 2 lengths be the same size, there are simply too many options. Any luck with you guys?


Hey guys, so I've been doing my 5 questions and have noticed that they are fairly theoretical in the sense of finding the solutions. I have various shapes and even timelines that I drem which I am fairly unsure how to possibly "draw" on this edit board. Is it alright if I just explain it here using only words? marco


Yeah, I can only assume that it's okay to just answer in words, as opposed to images. One group did pretty impressive drawings on their page, but I don't think that that is really necessary. In fact, words might be better, since if you can say it clearly, then you understand it better...


alright cool! my post is up. feel free to make any adjustments on the equations or wording if you see any. MarcoGasparian

I'm going to move all our answers to the main page and sort them numerically. Hazeline and Avi, if you read this, please insert your answers in the appropriate areas. BenJeffery

19:09, 28 December 2010