Archive of previous discussions

Archive of previous discussions

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 20:39, 28 January 2019


Hi everyone,

I hadn't heard back from anyone about working together on Problem 5 in homework 4, so I just did it. Please take a close look and make some suggestions.

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Yi-Hsuan, or newest group member? Yi-Hsuan if you read this, please complete Question five of this week's homework and post it on our link called "Further Problem Solving." Please match the formatting we have used as we are trying to keep it consistent. Thanks.

I think it is easier to simply keep with the usual wiki organisation: post your material and content on the main page, arrange it using titles or subpages if needed and keep the discussion tab for discussions (like this).

(also, if you could make your titles more compact and not being the whole question, it would look much better I think)

Hey Group,

I have started working on question 1 for this Wednesday's homework. We should create a sub page on our group page for the questions to organize things. I havent taken a look at how yet, so if someone knows please create us a sub page to post these questions on.

Just type the address of the subpage you would like to create, for example: 14/Homework 4, it will tell you the page doesn't exist, but you can just hit "create" and start adding content. Just add a link to that page on your main group page for me to find out where to look for it. You could also do that to put homework 3 somewhere else, that would be neat. Presentation does matter for those things, not only the math content.
-- DavidKohler 18:20, 16 October 2010 (UTC)

I'll do 16-20. So I guess that leaves Vincent with 21-25 :):)

Hey group,

So for the group homework due next week there are 5 of us and 25 questions. Since people probably have thanksgiving plans and such are you guys okay with just splitting the work up into 5 questions each? Then we could ask each other if we are really stuck on one of our problems. Also, I think it would be a really good idea to post the questions on the wiki as you finish them so we can check over each other's work before Wednesday morning.

Hey everyone, please check your email!

Hey guys! Just click the edit tab at the top of the page to comment on here. I was thinking about our pythagorean thing and I was thinking about the movie screen example we talked about in class. So what if they have removed half of it, cut diagonally, but they need to know the total size of the square they need to order to replace the entire screen? I think it could work as a good example of what we were talking about....Let me know what you guys have come up with :):):)

Ya that idea sounds great. How big should we make the screen, say 40 ft wide by 20 ft tall? Also how are we going to divide up the work?

ya that works.... so we will know the two sides. the opposite and adjacent sides, and need to find the hypotenuse? or what. and there isn't that much work on the project for a problem like this. Is that ok? and how are we splitting it up?

Hey everyone, I just sent an email to all of you about splitting the tasks up that we talked about, please check your email as soon as you can! Please post on here if you didn't receive the email!

Oh and if you're wondering where I got the tasks from in the email they are on the very back of the Lecture 8 Handout :)

I believe this is where we are supposed to post the problem solving questions.

20:03, 28 December 2010