TA Comments on Homework 3

TA Comments on Homework 3

Good job in sticking to a consistent format! A quick point though: it would make it easier to read if you separate the questions and answers into different paragraphs or use different font/bold, right now it's all scrambled together and difficult to read. A few more pointers for improvement:

  • More thought process is needed for some questions! For example, just writing "write this into a system of equations and solve it" isn't going to cut it. Give your procedures! Writing out equations in words is not bad in itself(and I'm not taking marks off for that), but perhaps write it in mathematical notation would make the "equations" referred to more clear to the reader.
  • Read questions more carefully! Give it a little more thoughts! Check your answers to see if they are logical! This golden rule never fails!
JingFeiYu19:44, 28 December 2010