Weekly Update, Oct 8, 2014

Weekly Update, Oct 8, 2014


Hi Allison!

Mostly, we'd like you to focus on non-members rather than our own members. We send out several surveys to our members and don't want to spam them. Another email survey will frustrate our members and probably not yield many replies anyway. Also, the people we are most interested in are those who aren't currently members but could become members. We want to know what are the barriers to joining the CSF. Is it confusing? Do they not "get" the model? How could we help them "get it." Do they not have freezer space?

Some people to target are people at

- the False Creek Fisherman's Wharf/ Go Fish Restaurant/ Granville Island

- Farmer's Markets, - at CSA pick-ups - at wild salmon and seafood events, - through the Living Ocean's Society's mailing list (they surveyed prospective CSF members and have a list of people who were interested in joining a potential CSF.

This survey doesn't need to focus on workshop related questions, more on the barriers to joining. We are surveying our members right now and have asked them questions related to workshops.

One thing I just thought of today that might be a useful way to get data from existing members would be to survey members in person at a pick-up. If you could come up with a short list of questions which would take roughly 5 minutes for members to address in person, I'd feel comfortable with you hanging around and approaching members at pick-ups or markets and asking them in person rather than emailing or calling them. I'd like you to make clear you who you are -- that you are students in this specific program doing a research project -- and then ask them just roughly 3-4 very specific questions about what things they found confusing before they became members, what are reasons that they think are barriers for their friend to join. I don't want this to target ways they want to see us improve their CSF experience, but rather for them, as CSF members, to think back to the time before they joined and try to remember what was confusing to them, what were reasons they were perhaps not going to join, what information or what materials helped them make the decision to join, what would have helped at that time when they were trying to understand how the CSF worked and trying to make the decision about joining. I think it might be challenging to get this kind of data from non-members as they may not understand how the CSF works, but that is also a useful resource if we can get them to understand it and then get them to articulate what are/ were barriers to joining?

October 8 Group members met up and created survey questions according to Sonia's suggestions/guidance:

We started our survey questions:
1. for CSF members
2. for potential CFS members

Problems we encountered:
-questions that link to our purpose
-creating concise and clear questions
-ordering of the questions
-plans to finish up and revise our questions and sending it back to Sonia for approval

Things discussed today for the upcoming meetings:
-next meeting time (next Wednesday: Oct 15)
-discussing feedback we receive from Sonia regarding the survey questions
-determining who will be going to the Thursday pick-ups to conduct survey question (Min: 2 people at a time)

CarlaObando (talk)22:08, 8 October 2014