Final Report is due next Wednesday -By Monday evening complete reflections and assigned final report section. Post to Final Report on google doc.

For Reflection statement

Critically and thoughtfully reflect on your CBEL project, group work and flexible learning experiences. (Flexible learning includes e-lectures, the time that was allocated to work with your community partners instead of plenary and homeroom meetings, and use of UBC wiki to report your project progress and final report). This may include talking about what you learned during your CBEL and flexible learning experiences and that how these have impacted your learning experience personally. You may discuss how the flexible learning approach of the course did or did not make your learning experience more meaningful. This may require you to consider why and how some aspects of your learning (e.g., community research, UBC wiki, community visit, presentations, and etc.) were valuable, enjoyable, educative, or frustrating. Complete and attach a reflection section as an Appendix, which should include your team members’ reflection statements (one statement from each member, and each statement between 200 to 250 words).

-Group meeting on Tuesday November 2nd at the usual spot

ChristineBowden (talk)00:31, 27 November 2014

Hi guys, I noticed there are some parts that have not been added to the report yet. Would you please finish your parts by tonight that we can all review the different sections and edit them tonight and tomorrow morning? I know everyone is busy but we have planned this from the last week and I don't want to leave everything for the last minute again! We have a meeting tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM. See you guys

MaryamDehnadi (talk)03:32, 2 December 2014