Minutes From Andrew's meeting

Minutes From Andrew's meeting

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

LFS 350 – Meeting with Andrew at Gordon Neighbourhood House

 Initial goal was for the herb garden group to collaborate with the meal-sharing group

 Clarification and details of projects

o Herb Garden Toolkit

 Will be setting up an informational table to promote the toolkit to

o Meal-sharing event/Potluck (encouraged to not focus on this any longer)

 Was initially intended to encourage people to hang around after learning

community members

 Challenges: it’s around dinner time and when folks end work, community

about the toolkit, to engage with their neighbours, and an incentive for

participants to stay and mingle over food

members may already be hungry, may be hard to prepare a meal in such

a short period of time

o Online Survey from both groups (will still be able to do this and will be

promoted at one of the tables at the event)

 Andrew expressed interest in this

 Success factor: Lucy mentioned to Esther that even 5 responses from

 Challenge: the results of the survey will probably not be broad enough for

community would be helpful

GNH to use in their strategic plan, but the data will still be extremely

valuable and used for reflection purposes at the neighbourhood house

 Food Demonstration Event (the event that we will now be focusing on and


o Where: room downstairs at GNH

o Objective/purpose

 To show community members how to prepare different and easy dishes

 A great way to transfer knowledge and provide resources to community

that incorporates various vegetables from the garden (kale, dark leafy

greens, brussel sprouts, winter squash, etc.)

members, including the available toolkits

o Activities

 Snacks to share

 1 table for the Urban Farm Toolkit

 1 table for the Herb Garden Toolkit

 1 table for Neighbourhood Small Grants

 1 table for the online survey

 2 tables for 2-3 food demonstration stations

 Both groups to clarify their individuals questions and consolidate

them together afterwards

 Recommended to have demos for homemade salad dressing,

salad, and roasted root veg dish – try to include/highlight

ingredients from both urban farm and herb garden

o Materials

 All utensils and food demonstration equipment will be provided by GNH

 Will have to wash dishes later (don’t want to use disposable stuff to

reduce waste)

o Resources/Assets: Matt teaches classes at the Dirty Apron, Esther works with

Sprouts at UBC, Andrew is a Red Seal chef, etc.

o Target audience (within the West End Community): folks who are interested in

developing community gardens (elderly folks, youth, ethnic community

members, families, gardeners or others who are interested in promoting safe

and comfortable communities)

o Allies to contact to promote the event

 Community members who manage community gardens/community

garden associations


 Village Vancouver (major outreach across the city)

 Friends for Life Society, etc. (all organizations listed on GNH’s Food

 LGBTQ-related organizations

 Seniors: West End Seniors Network, Gathering Place Community Centre

 Youth: GAB Youth, King George Secondary (Community Service Team)

 Ethnic communities: Russian Community who volunteers at the Thrift

Resource guide)


o Promotions (to be taken on by Promotions Team, Kirianna, Kalin, Shelby &

Cassandra, but to also be promoted by everyone to their personal networks!)

 Shelby from group 14 drafted up an awesome poster previously for the

potluck; will be using the same one after making necessary changes to it

and it will be turned into an invitation (smaller version of the poster)

 It will include the following details: the seed library, food demonstration

stations, toolkits; date, time, contact information with a temporary Gmail

account for general inquires from the public, Facebook event

 Should set up a Facebook event before the poster gets sent out

 Set up EventBrite event (will give us a preliminary idea of how many

people are coming)

 ** Every group member MUST bring at least one friend to the event!**

Requested by Andrew 

 Action Items/Due dates






 Draft up a contact list on Excel of all the organizations/individuals we are

hoping to connect with; will send to Andrew and he will reply back to us

in regard to which folks he will directly contact

 Confirm the event name (ensure that it is “garden or farm-related”;

 Andrew will notify us in regard to the garden inventory on what produce

they currently have (and in season) and what we would need to purchase

 Andrew will connect with Will to clarify if there is funding for the project

to purchase snacks

 Start compiling a master list of all the things to do before and during the

event + delegating roles  must show Andrew this.

 Andrew will be meeting with the management team and they will provide

feedback in regard to the event and poster; we’ll receive feedback

immediately after and make any necessary changes

 Will communicate with us re: contact list + the people he wants to reach

out to himself and the people we are allowed to contact

 Create Facebook event (“private setting” for now)

 All event details to be APPROVED and FINALIZED

 Promotion, promotion, promotion!

 Menu/descriptions of food demonstration stations drafted up


o Andrew is looking for volunteers for more long-term commitments, but they

o Most effective to email Jim, the Volunteer Coordinator, for more information

may need volunteers for community lunches

and other opportunities (jim@gordonhouse.org)

ChristineBowden (talk)23:00, 5 November 2014