On some of Justin’s other conviction and beliefs

On some of Justin’s other conviction and beliefs

Justin Martyr embraced classical philosophy and believed that Plato’s teaching on eternal form referred to Christian’s God. He argued that Socrates, like Abraham, was a Christian before Christ and his death was an example for Christian martyrs (Dowley, 94).

Like many ancient and modern Christians who assume that the Gospels were written by the Apostles, Justin also bolstered that supposition. He referred to the Gospels as “memoirs composed by the Apostles” (Reader’s Digest Association, 79).

In his Dialogue with Trypho, Justin numerously argued that the coming of Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. He also explained that the mystery of the cross can be traced back to the Old Testament, when it is understood symbolically. He used the example of Moses stretching out both arms as a symbol of Israel’s salvation, a sign that was fulfilled by Jesus on the cross. He further claimed that the church is the new Israel (Reader’s Digest Association, 129)

One of Justin’s famous quotes is “having ended prayers, we salute one another with a kiss.” The kiss which was a traditional greeting among family members became a powerful mark of unity and reconciliation when practiced among believers. It was commonly exchanged before the communion in celebration of the fact that Christians were brothers and sisters, in spirit, through the love of Christ (Reader’s Digest Association, 141)

A popular Christian series Drive Thru History featured a short clip on Justin Martyr: Who was Justin Martyr?


Dowley, Tim, ed. 1995. Introduction to the History of Christianity. 1st Fortress Press ed. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

Reader’s Digest Association, ed. 1992. After Jesus: The Triumph of Christianity. Plesantville, N.Y: Reader’s Digest Association.

AliWardana (talk)23:29, 19 October 2021