
Hi Xing,

I liked the story telling style of your page; it tells the story of what you did, why, what you found out and where it went from there. Also, good job on justifying your decisions. It is quite a big chunk of text though; if you could divide it into several parts and name each part, that would be helpful in navigating through your page.

And another comment, did you try running your methods with rating >=4? I don't think this is necessary but since our paper describes methods based on rated and rating>=4, that would add a more comprehensive look at things.

Best, Alex

ALEXANDRAKIM (talk)23:43, 19 April 2017

rating > 3 is equivalent of rating >= 4 since all rating are in integer, I just prefer not using >= when I don't want to use latex \geq = =

Yes I will add more bullet points.

XingZeng (talk)20:08, 26 April 2017