Comments on the first draft

Comments on the first draft

Here are some comments on the first draft.

I think there needs to be more motivation. Surely the notion of value of information (and control) should be independent of the particular representation. I would like to see a definition of the value of information before you should how it can be computed from a decision network. And also explain why we might be interested.

It would be good to go beyond the example used in the textbook. (The story even in this example seems incomplete; why didn't you include the value of the forecast for the case when you can observe the weather? This would make clear some of the issues.) There are also subtle issues for sequential decisions about when the information is obtained that you could try to explain.

You should number your figures, and the the numbers in the text. (Resizing and printing moves the figures around).

DavidPoole (talk)00:12, 11 February 2019

Thanks for the comments, I've made those changes now

WilliamHarvey (talk)07:37, 15 February 2019