Critique 3


Overall, the page is written clearly and it's easy to understand. I don't see any flaws but I have some comments that might be helpful to you.

  • I'm not a native speaker but I think it's better to say that 'you can see some results in figure x' or 'figure x shows some of the obtained results for the problem' instead of saying "in the image on the right" or using words like "below" or "above" to reference a figure or image. Thus, your figures will have labels and images can easily be found.
  • Another thing that comes to my mind is that if you're using a picture from another resource, you should add the reference to that image. The results showing margins for SVM seems familiar to me. I'm not sure about this so don't get me wrong.
  • It's not very important but I think it's better to use the link on the whole word not just part of it. In line 9 of section linear regression perspective: using "NP-hard" in the link rather than NP-"hard".
AINAZHAJIMORADLOU (talk)06:45, 12 February 2018