October assignment feedback

October assignment feedback

In "Training and Backpropagation" section you mentioned "gradient checkpointing". I think you can link another page that explains that or cite a paper to help the reader get acquainted with this technique.

You mentioned "potential issues of W". It would be great if you mentioned some of them.

In "Reconciling Efficiency and Performance" section, I feel like I am reading a summary of the page. You also have some sentences from the contents before. Consequently, you might be able to move it to the conclusion section or create some subsections in your conclusion.

A case study or real-life example of the methods you explain can make the article feel more colorful and entertaining. On the other hand, it can help the reader deeply grasp those concepts.

FARDADHOMAFAR (talk)05:44, 14 October 2023

Thank you for your valuable comments. I have incorporated your feedback into the article in the following ways:

   1. Added a link for gradient checkpointing.
   2. Consolidated two sections.
   3. Enhanced the first paragraph of the introduction by including an illustrative example.
AmirhosseinAbaskohi (talk)07:16, 20 October 2023