
Hi Junyuan, I like how you have presented the information lucidly and tried to cover all the related topics. A few comments I had are: In the section Event, there seems to be a typo: sample space of a deck of cards would be 52. (13*4) -I would’ve liked if you had given a probabilistic aspect to concepts in AI rather than treating it as an individual concept even though as a standalone page it provides a very comprehensive guide. -I really like the geometric visualization of Bayes theorem -I found the Dutch book example really interesting and it made me think for sometime (which is great!). So what I am unable to figure out is that mathematically how does implied probability lower than one relate to getting profit in the same ratio. I understand from the example how its working but i was wondering if you had some sort of mathematical proof/verification to this. Really enjoyed the example. Thank you for sharing this with us. Warm regards, Ritika

RitikaJain (talk)07:04, 5 February 2016

Hi Ritika,

Thank you for your feedback! I will try to use plain English to explain the Dutch Book. I also add an AI Example.


Junyuan Zheng

JunyuanZheng (talk)07:58, 6 February 2016