
You are supposed to fill in an abstract ;^) Often doing this early helps focus the descriptions.

You need to define (technical) terms before you use them, eg., what is a "centre"? You dive into the details without giving us the big picture. The background is supposed to explain what is going on, so we can use the definitions to understand the rest. I cannot understand the background; you need to tell us the background to what you are doing.

How does the second paper build on the first paper?

Why do you believe "Model [sic] that offer these are neural network models."? (Why is it in bold?) Again you jump into the details without giving us the big picture.

Pretend you are explaining this to an intelligence person who only has the background we can assume of a 522 student. It needs to be more of a story that we can understand. Eg., in the simulations, you give what looks like extraneous details (e.g. "epsilon value was set to = 0.4." What is epsilon?), but miss the big picture. One of your goals is that someone who reads this should be able to explain what is going on. I doubt they could at the moment.

DavidPoole (talk)01:05, 7 March 2020