Suggestions for MDP

Suggestions for MDP

Hi Abed,

First let me thank you for contributing in the development of the course Wiki. You have done a fantastic job, I really like the length of the page and found the material completely correct (as much as I can tell.)
Your Figures and Pseudo-codes were really useful and easy to understand as well.
I can suggest 3 points for your page:
1) Add some links from your page to web pages other than our Wiki to help the reader understand some of the terminologies that you have used (Because they are not experts like you on the topic and some pointers can really help).
2) The language is good for an expert reader that has knowledge related to the topic, but most of the times people read wiki pages to get an overview of the topic and its main related subjects. So I would say it is a bit technical for someone that lacks knowledge on the subject.
3) Although it is optional to include the "To Add" section, I personally believe that can really help the future developments of this page and makes it easier for other readers (perhaps contributors) to start developing this page.
Other than these minor points, I would say you have done a great job.

MehrdadGhomi (talk)07:08, 5 February 2016

Thanks Mehrad for your valuable feedback and keen insights. I would try my best to make the necessary modifications.

MDAbedRahman (talk)18:29, 5 February 2016