Hi Prithu,
This page is very interesting; I can understand those two models.
But I think the only problem is this page used so many mathematic equations, and some of them is presented without suitable explanation, for instance, the equaion about "Density of dirichlet is given by: ". My suggestion is this topic is an abstract subject, some equation did not explain the topic, but it make people confuse, so it would be better to delete some unnecessary equation or add more explanation.
Junyuan Zheng
Hi Junyuan Zheng Thanks for your feedback. I edited my page to address your concerns. I provided a layman's explanation after that dirichlet description. Also please note understanding dirichlet is not necessary to understand the concept of LDA. So i restricted myslef to give a full fledged description of all notations. However i kept to bare minimum so that the interested user may play with it to see how choices of different parameter inside dirichlet can affect the final outcome of LDA. hence i just mentioned the mathematical distribution that dirichlet use, without going into a detalied description of it
best, Prithu