
Hi Yan Zhao,

Good job. I appreciate your work on this topic. However, I have several suggestions for you. You described much knowledge about Convolutional Neural Networks. However, I do not see the content about the incremental contribution of one paper over the other and your own thoughts on how successful it was and how it can be improved. Thanks.


Ke Dai

KeDai (talk)00:45, 14 March 2016

Thanks for your feedback.

The incremental contribution is: 1. The 1st paper introduce the idea of CNN. 2. Although the idea of CNN is good, it is hard to implement at that time. So the 2nd paper proposed several suggestions on implementation, and the result is good.

I guess the organization of this page is not clear so I will try to improve. Thanks again for your suggestions.

YanZhao (talk)22:45, 14 March 2016