

1)This page is looking really great! Privacy is a huge issue to take on and I think you have done a great job covering the really important pieces and breaking things down in an understandable way. Acts and legislation are not always easily understandable or written in an easily explainable language. I think you have done a great job with writing and explaining the information in a way that most people will be able to understand and gain knowledge from. Privacy is a really imprint issue in the archives profession and having quick sources like this with a significant amount of detail, I believe will be helpful.

2) I really liked your first sentence, it sums up (in my option) the issue perfectly.

3) I agree with previous comments about stating early on that you are focusing on Canada. In the History section under background I was immediately confused as to where and to whom you were referring to. Many countries have privacy issues and I think it is important to let the readers know quickly what this page will cover beyond seeking out titles in the outline.

4) When reading through your page I almost missed when you moved into the United states from Canada, I would suggest perhaps making these titles larger.

5) Is the focus Entirely Canada? or are you splitting it Equally with the united states? because I think your break down of Canada is wonderful and the states is a huge place but perhaps find a way to mention that each state would also have dealt with privacy legislation. If Canada is your focus I would maybe try and make it more clear as to why you are including the information about the United States.

6) I agree with earlier comments I think that links to the actual acts would be very useful and helpful to readers.

7) I felt that the Germany case study, although interesting, was out of place with the rest of the page that focuses on Norther North America

8) Overall I am very impressed at how you have handled such an important and tough topic.

MorganShepherd (talk)21:40, 7 April 2015

Hi Morgan, I re-wrote the history section, so hopefully it makes more sense. I added more to the privacy laws in the United States and added a section on FOI that briefly mentions State laws. I experienced a lot of difficulties locating the actual laws about privacy for the U.S. the best I can provide at the moment are links to general overviews of individual laws.

CathrynCrocker (talk)22:59, 10 April 2015