General thoughts

General thoughts

Hi Kelsey,

One thought that crossed my mind was to include some discussion about how colonial ideas of archives/recordkeeping were used/could be used to enforce colonial power. You touch on it in a couple areas but I think it could use futher expansion. Basically I thought of the Eddie Izzard flag skit:

Another thing that would be cool would be to see more examples or case studies, especially of 'successful' post-colonial archives (however you want to define successful).

Otherwise, very informative and interesting post that I look forward to checking out in more detail later!


AdenaBrons (talk)23:57, 31 March 2015

Hi, Thanks for the feedback. That's sort of what I was going for in the "Defence of Imperialism" section. As for case studies, I'm working on including them in other sections too!

Also that skit made me laugh, I hadn't seen that one before!

KelseyPoloney (talk)00:12, 1 April 2015