Hey Kaitlin,
Really good page so far. You have a lot of good content, the history and legislation sections gave a clear context for the NS archives. I don't have many suggestions other than you may what to discuss the genealogical aspects of NS archives in terms outreach. Much of the NS website is geared towards genealogical and might be interesting to discuss how genealogists use the NS archives (through vital statistics, hiring researchers, etc. ) Also the NS archives has a very active social media (compared to some archives) . They also are on more social media platforms than other archives. Because of this I think it would be beneficial to include more about this also with regards to outreach and advocacy.
Hi Kelly, Thanks for the feedback - this gives me lots to think about. I will add in a few sentences in the vital statistics subsection about genealogy and outreach and also look at adding to the social media section, linking it more directly to outreach.
Hi Kaitlin,
Good work on the page. In terms of suggestions, you might want to provide some more images, especially at the top of your page. The video is interesting, although you might want to fix the spacing. The images might help break up some of the text as well
Hi Kelly, Yes, I am planning on adding images just haven't had the time yet. Hopefully I'll get them in there later today. thanks for the feedback!