section move/section removal?

Hi Chelsea,

Thanks so much for your feedback regarding the sections. I didn't really think to move the case studies to the end of the wiki, but now that you've mentioned it, it makes a lot of sense! I've also moved (after much prompting) the archivists/curators section into challenges! I don't want to get too carried away adding unnecessary content, so sticking with their roles in relation to each other seems like the right road to take. I have found a LOT of literature regarding the repatriation of museum objects, especially objects that were stolen during world war two, however nothing I've found so far mentions the acquisition records or donation records that went along with those objects. It does sound like a very interesting thing to look in to, so perhaps I'll dig a little deeper and see what I can find!

Thanks so much for your feedback, much appreciated!


TarynDay (talk)01:08, 10 April 2013