Sentence edit

Sentence edit

Hi Taryn,

I was reading through your wiki and found a sentence in your "Curators and Archivists" section that may be reworded. The original sentence is:

"In order to avoid the loss of critical museum-related information, museum professionals must ensure that the curator and archivist work hand in hand to administer the museum archives, as although both may interpret information as something different, they both can recognize its long-term value."

Perhaps this could be reworded to: "Museum professionals must ensure that curators and archivists work hand-in-hand to administer the museum archives in order to avoid the loss of critical museum-related information. Curators and archivists may both recognize the long-term value of resources though they may interpret the information differently."

Just a suggestion!


ChelseaBailey (talk)04:03, 4 April 2013

Hey Chelsea, Thanks for the suggestion! Re-reading that sentence, it's definitely structured in a strange way, I think it was because I was trying to paraphrase instead of quote directly and didn't quite make it sound so great. I'll have a look at the original to make sure that your suggested edit isn't too close to their quote, and then make the changes! Thanks again!


TarynDay (talk)15:10, 4 April 2013