Help with resources

Help with resources

Hi Taryn,

As per our lengthy discussion today, I hope you may be able to find more resources from professionals within the field. Some professionals in the field might be more inclined to stay on top of recent literature and they might be able to put you in touch with some more recent references. One institution that I know well might be able to help you out is the Nikkei National Museum in Burnaby. They are a non-profit organization for the Japanese and Japanese Canadian community that have constructed a wonderful little national museum. As such, they have acquired quite a bit and although they are not an archives per say, they do strive to function as one. Beth Carter is the director curator and Alexis Jansen is the collections manager. Both would be great to get in contact with. I can introduce you via email if you are interested.

I also have a colleague from back home at the Royal Ontario Museum (by the way, that is my dream job!). He works in the public education programming side but he might also have a few colleagues who can point you in the right direction. Let me know if you are interested.

Good luck!


LisaUyeda (talk)03:57, 28 March 2013

Hey Lisa,

Thanks very much for advice on speaking with professionals in the field in order to find some more resources, as they're apparently quite scarce! I'll formulate a bit more of my wiki and think of some specific areas to ask about, and then chat with you again about getting into contact with at least Beth from the Nikkei Museum for sure!


TarynDay (talk)21:52, 29 March 2013

Hey Taryn, Great idea from Lisa! If, in addition to taking to Beth, you are interested in talking to Alexis (the collections manager) she happens to be a good friend of mine. Alexis is a huge bookworm, and I'd be more than happy to ask her for some input if you'd like. She is probably chalk full of both trivia and leads to really good sources. I know she'd also be happy to take you on a tour of the archives and/or meet you for tea. Maybe I'll tag along :)

JessieFraser (talk)03:23, 5 April 2013