Some Suggestions

Some Suggestions

Hello Eric,

Great formatting, it's very clear what you are setting out to do. But just a couple of suggestions.

  • I agree with Shyla in that renaming your page could make it fit in with the rest of us "History of the Archives" pages. (I renamed my page after setting it up. It redirects to the new page so there's no issue there. If you want help, let me know.)
  • In that line of thought, I was wondering if all of us "History of the Archives" folks would want to make it official by adding an information panel on the top right of the page. (See for what I mean)
  • I agree that subdividing the influences could be helpful, perhaps by timeline or major events. Also technology developments and the emergence of different record types could help.
  • Also adding Mexico could be interesting

Keep it up!


MargaretHunter (talk)22:27, 2 April 2015

Though Adding Mexico would be interesting, I fear to do not speak sufficient Spanish to cover it enough to give it justice. As a wiki page, hopefully a Spanish speaking student might one day want to add such content to this page and complete it. I also am unsure how to address the issue in the page currently and maintain "wiki speak". In a paper I could say "For the purpose of this essay I am focusing on English speaking countries in NA" but cannot really do that here. I am open for suggestions on how to address this however perhaps in the overview or elsewhere in the page.

EricWalerko (talk)18:54, 5 April 2015

I see where the difficulty is. I agree that the overview is where you should put it. Perhaps state "Late modern North American archives of Canada and the United States..." or you could have a section for Mexico and simply have a link to unfilled new page, though that's highly misleading at this point.

Having said that, to stick with Wiki format, you may want to remove the title from the "Overview" section as most Wikis tend to jump into a definition of what the page is about without it being a separate section.

MargaretHunter (talk)18:06, 6 April 2015

Just thought I'd mention in here as a fellow "History of the Archives" person, I like the idea of an information panel.

MorganClendenning (talk)06:57, 8 April 2015

I tried working on this a bit tonight but it just showed a link to the Template:Sidebar. Will look at it again tomorrow. I'll inform all of the history page authors if I do find it works and ask if we still want to do it.

MargaretHunter (talk)03:31, 9 April 2015