Typo and ethics

Typo and ethics

Hi Alexandra,

I was reading through your wiki and found a small typo:

"The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has defined Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE)as cultural materials created by a community, which demonstrate that "community's cultural and social identity" and form part of a "community's heritage.... handed down from one generation to another."" - there should be a space between (TCE) and "as."

Also, I see you mention the ACA Code of Ethics in your "Intellectual and Cultural Property" section. Perhaps you could provide an external link in the body of your wiki article to the Code? This would make it easier for lay persons to see the primary source.


ChelseaBailey (talk)03:37, 4 April 2013

Oops, thanks for catching that! Good idea on linking the ACA Code of Ethics in the body of the wiki; makes it more accessible to people who might be unfamiliar with it :)

AlexandraWieland (talk)04:31, 12 April 2013