Comments and Suggestions

Comments and Suggestions

Hi Shyla,

Your wiki page is coming along very nicely. I really like that you have utilized the ability to link to other relevant wiki pages, as well as your inclusion of pictures and video - although I couldn't get the embedded Youtube video to play for me. I kept getting an error. Is that happening for you too? I hope it is able to work, because having a video with a tour of the Archive, even one from 1979, would be a great addition to the page. Good find!

These are some of the comments/suggestions I had while reading through:

In some sections you switch tense from past to present, such as using "is" instead of "was", when referring to something in the past. This seems to be most prevalent in the "History and Development" section. For instance: "The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act is enacted in 1996,..." I know that this can be done, but I suggest at least considering, for clarity, using present tense for things that are still true today, and past tense for information regarding the past, as the use of both can be jarring for a reader.

In your section on "Current Facility and Services," you might consider removing the use of the word "here," since the linking function, which you already utilize, makes it seem sort of redundant. Instead of linking the word "here", you could link "database of indexes", "separate interface", etc. Just a thought.

Excellent section on "Legislation and Governance"! Succinct and helpful.

Jason Martin (talk)00:16, 29 March 2015

hi Jason, The video works for me, I'm so sad to hear there's problems with it, it's very charming. I'll try it on a few different computers. And I've been struggling with verb tenses, so I'll try the way of splitting their use as you've suggested. The current facility section needs a lot of work still, the "here"s aren't working at all. Thank you.

Shyla (talk)16:21, 30 March 2015

Check the video again, I might have fixed it!

Shyla (talk)16:53, 30 March 2015

It works now! Yay!

JasonMartin (talk)20:02, 31 March 2015