Municipal Archives Bylaws
Hi Lisa!
Looks great so far! I'm curious to know how likely it is you'll find a lot of information about the bylaws affecting municipal archives? I think you may want to include the information about how the bylaw relates to municipal archives in the municipal archives section itself, rather than creating an entirely new section for it. However, I can see it making sense as a separate section if you were going to list all the by-laws relating to all the municipal archives that you were going to be talking about? It seems like that might be a lot of work, and so just having a generic mention of bylaws might be a better course of action!
Thanks, Taryn! I think you make a good point. Breaking down the structure of the legislation and the bylaws for both the provincial and the municipal is a huge task on top of the other details I am hoping to include. The great thing about this wiki is that there is a lot of opportunity to grow and develop!