Hello group mates!

Hi Lisa, I do think that perhaps legislation would be more appropriate as a sub-heading of provincial archives, since the legislation only deals with that body. Also, it may be good to have Provincial Archives, Municipal Archives, and Community Archives all follow each other, rather than putting Records Management between the provincial and municipal sections. Perhaps the records management section should actually be a sub-section of Provincial Archives?

Also, it may be nice to mention municipal and community archives briefly in the History and Development section, just to introduce them and to make it clear that this entry is about the many archives in Ontario, rather than just the Provincial Archives of Ontario.

Finally, this would take a little time, but hyper-linking the list of archives in the last section to their website might be a nice touch.

Oh, and I agree with Mariko that a photo or two could be a good addition (I need to do that for my page too - just need to figure out that whole copyright thing...).


KathrynFerrante (talk)21:02, 16 March 2013

Thanks Katie. I like your suggestion regarding the layout. I think it would be more clear to have legislation and records management as subheadings to the Provincial Archives. I had a hard time deciding where to place the records management portion. If I remember correctly, in my first draft (that I didn't save) I had placed records management at the bottom but I was still unhappy with it's placement.

I agree, hyper-linking would be great for that long list I have at the bottom of the page. I had it on my initial to-do list but I thought I would add it in after since it would take a bit of time to do. I would also like to go through the list carefully to ensure that they are all accurate and up-to-date.

LisaUyeda (talk)07:17, 18 March 2013