
Hi Chelsea,

I was just wondering what is meant by "emblems" in this sentence:

The 1954 Hague Convention suggests that all nation states should recognize the value of records and protect both their own and other nations through the appropriate transportation of records during times of war, enabling archival personnel to continue working in occupied regions, and the identification of collections that require protection via emblems.
Perhaps you could add a small explanation to your wiki.

KathrynN (talk)05:07, 31 March 2013

Hi Kathryn,

Thank you for pointing this out to me - I will clarify this in the wiki shortly. The basic premise is that groups in war zones should place internationally recognized emblems onto fonds (I'm assuming these emblems would go onto archival boxes or something similar, not the records themselves) so that other forces realize the records have historical importance and thus try to avoid destroying them.

Thanks again, Chelsea

ChelseaBailey (talk)22:55, 31 March 2013