

Hi Chelsea, your Wiki is nicely constructed, packed with fascinating information, and follows what you set out in your introduction. I like how you discuss more universal concepts and then provide specific examples to illustrate them. One suggestion I have at the moment is that the Wiki ends a bit abruptly. Have you considered adding a conclusion or wrap-up or reflection at the end of the Wiki? Maybe I'm used to reading papers and expect a summation of what's been discussed, and it may not be necessary or appropriate for a Wiki, but I think it would round it out nicely.

Cristen (talk)22:11, 16 March 2013

Hi Cristen, I wasn't sure if I should include a conclusion or not as we are writing 'wiki-style'... but I think you are right in saying that it ends abruptly. Thanks for your advice! :)

ChelseaBailey (talk)03:42, 18 March 2013