Notes on a Wiki

Notes on a Wiki

Greetings Jessica,

you have a lovely wiki with lots of interesting and wide-reaching information regarding FOI. You spin a nice tale and give us a good backdrop to the intersection between FOI and archives. I think you have a great overview which really does a nice job tying in FOI with archives. Given this overview, some more content on archives could be incorporated, or more specific references to archives in your FOI discussions.

I agree that your wiki is showing signs of growing beyond a manageable size, but that speaks to the difficulty and complexity of your topic, which I think you are doing a nice job with so far - I'm happy I didn't pick this topic that's for sure.

Keep up the good work and looking forward to reading your completed wiki

Take care,


ShengAnVictorLiang (talk)21:46, 4 April 2015

Hi Victor, Excellent suggestion. This final week I will focus on adding content and references about Archives AND FOI. After all, my wiki is about Archives and FOI. Yes, please DO read my completed wiki!! I'm happy I didn't pick your topic too, even if I'm jealous of the alliteration.


TungJessica (talk)04:13, 5 April 2015