Inclusion of Non-European Archives?

Inclusion of Non-European Archives?

Hello Folks,

There's been a common discussion on various Wikis to limit what is covered in a given topic (especially, I have noticed in the history entries). Along that line of thought, I was wondering what people would think if I remove the "Middle East" section, as the previous sections of my Wiki set it up to be only about European archives (see the introductory sentence and "Pre-Medieval Developments" section).

Thanks for the advice!

MargaretHunter (talk)08:17, 7 April 2015

As I'm sure you know, that's been my big issue too lately. It seems a bit unrealistic to cover every location in the Medieval, or in my case Early Modern, period. Plus its proving very difficult for my time period to find much information in English on the other regions outside of Europe. So coming from a similar experience, I would say removing the "Middle East" section and focusing on Europe would be beneficial for you. I'll probably end up doing the same thing since most of my comments are telling me to add more than European info, however I simply can't for several reasons.

MorganClendenning (talk)17:39, 7 April 2015

I'm of the opinion that so long as you make the intentions and focus of your Wiki clear, there is no problem in keeping content exclusively European. If you define your time period, maybe make a mention of general archival goings on worldwide, but then make it explicit that this page is about Europe then your readers don't come away confused (or angsty) that your content is Euro-centric. Potentially a wise move given time and resources.

Although I did really enjoy your section on China, Morgan! So fascinating.

AmySpooner (talk)03:15, 8 April 2015