Hi Jason, Great wiki - so thorough and well thought out. Following up on Victor's comment below re using too many references to scholars ( and because I can't find any other points of critique) maybe you could insert a brief introductory sentence when a scholar is being referenced stating their field. For example, Brian S Osborne is/was a professor of historical geography at Queens, I believe? This way a general audience will have a better point of reference. You probably aren't at this stage yet (I noticed you did it in your overview) but I would add in more hyperlinks to other pages as well as a few more images since your wiki is necessarily a bit text heavy. Great job!
Thanks for the comments/suggestions. I have now added introductory phrases to all (I hope!) of the people I make direct reference to on my page. As for pictures, I looked but was unable to find any images of actual visual arts archives.
- Jason